
Intelligent Operations and Digital Transformation Company


SPINA Intelligent Operations and Digital Transformation Company

SPINA is a company founded by Enis Eryilmaz, who is one of the pioneers in Internet Business in Turkey. The journey started in 1994 with Domi Information Technologies in Ankara. In more than a quarter of a century this enthusiast entrepreneur contributed to important milestones in Information Technology and Internet Business in Turkey. Enis and his companies brought up many young talents and turn them into successful technology builders and business entrepreneurs in the Internet community. This foundation is based on mostly Middle East Technical University graduates who signed many successful projects, from Education to Airline to Textile Industry, from e-Government projects to B2B&B2C Market places.

The most important project was Arabul.com as the first search engine for Turkish content, became the flagship and one of the topmost visited sites. Arabul was within the top 2000 most visited sites globally in Alexa ratings between 1995-2000. Koysepete.com was one of the top 3, B2C e-commerce marketplace between 2003-2008 with more than 200.000 unique customers.

After the global economic crisis in 2008, Enis Eryilmaz shut down the companies and started to act as a consultant and mentor for the industry.

During this mentorship years, Enis raised many young talents and contributed to many successful ventures as a consultant and to many big corporates and institutions as Turkcell, Turkish Telecom, Logo Software, Rixos Group, TIM, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Education (Fatih Project) and Presidency Office (5G program). Acted as Board Member for TUBISAD as well.

In this mentorship period, he also acted as a Contractor for software development projects in Turkey, Qatar, UAE, Germany, and the USA as an aggregator of different software development companies and freelancer talents.

Spina is an Intelligent Operations and Digital Transformation Consultant and Contracting Company using skillful and expert subcontractors as part of collaborative partnership Eco System. Now Spina is a platform combining a partnership ecosystem for large scale and transformational projects.

Strategic Partnership Ecosystem is focusing on AI and Machine Learning Technologies with a state-of-the-art Cloud Base Microservices Software Environment. SaaS, FaaS, MaaS like platform businesses is our focus. Spina.io is the solution for digital transformation.

As a social responsibility, Enis Eryilmaz is keeping his mentorship effort to develop a technology-literate society and bringing up new generation talents into responsible and conscious individuals to the globe.